Jan E. Henson, PhD

Jan E. Henson, PhD, is a researcher at National Jewish Health. Dr. Henson is in the Department of Academic Affairs.
Special Interests
Research Interests
Electron microscopy and pulmonary pathology - clinical and research. Pulmonary disease.
- 1964 - 1967
- University of Cambridge, Medical Lab Technology (UK degree), Pathology and Cytology
- 1962 - 1964
- University of Edinburgh, Medical Lab Technology (UK degree), Pathology and Cytology
Professional Memberships
Associate Member, Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology
Microscopy Society of America
Kench JA, Russell DM, Fadok VA ,Young SK, Worthen GS, Jones- Carson J, Henson JE, Henson PM, and Nemazee D. Aberrant wound healing and TGF beta production in the autoimmune- prone MRL/ + mouse. Clin. Immunol.. 92 : 300-310, 1999.
Kraft M, Cassell GH, Henson JE, Watson H , Williamson J ,Marmion BP , Gaydos CA , and Martin RJ . Detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in the airways of adults with chronic asthma. Am. J. .Respir. Crit. Care Med. 158 :998-1001, 1998.
Martin RJ, Boguniewicz M, Henson JE, Cehniker AC, Williams M, Giorno RC and Leung DYM. The effects of inhaled interferon gamma in normal human airways. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 148:1677-1682, 1993.
Renz H, Smith HR, Henson JE, Ray BS, Irvin CG and Gelfand EW. Aerosolized antigen exposure without adjuvant causes increased IgE production and increased airway responsiveness in the mouse. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 89:1127-1138, 1992.
Academic Affiliations
Instructor, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Denver