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Core Leader:  Carl White, MD

Core Personnel: Joan Loader

Specific Aims

This Core unit will provide the facility for both in vitro exposure of cultured mammalian cells and in vivo exposure of rodents to ozone on site.  The Core also will assist in monitoring animal health during and following exposures. This Core provides maintenance and regular calibration of the exposure systems.

Core Description

This Core operates the exposure systems developed at National Jewish for the short-term exposures of cultured cells and rodents to physiologically relevant levels of ozone.  In addition, the Core responds to investigator requests for alterations of the systems to meet specific experimental requirements (e.g., ramping of ozone concentrations, correction of ozone concentration for altitude dilution effects, rocking of cultured cells).   An important function of the Core is to ensure that the ozone is confined to the experimental apparatus, thereby not endangering laboratory personnel.  The Core also maintains the computerized data acquisition systems associated with the exposure units and modifies the internally written programs to meet investigator needs.