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Treatment of vasculitis will depend on the type of your condition, its severity and what organs or parts of your body are affected.

Your doctor will approach treatment with three objectives:

  • Control the inflammation, so it does not cause further damage.

  • Repair any significant damage caused by the inflammation.

  • Treat the underlying cause of the inflammation, so it does not reoccur.

Some cases of vasculitis go away completely after treatment, some go away and return later (relapse) and some come and go frequently for a long period of time (chronic).



Medication is usually involved in the treatment of vasculitis. Corticosteroids, such as prednisone, may be prescribed to reduce inflammation. Corticosteroids are not recommended for long periods of time because of negative side effects.

An immune-suppressing drug may be used instead if you have a chronic case of vasculitis. Methotrexate is an example of an immune-suppressing drug that may be used for mild cases of vasculitis. Immune-suppressing drugs are also used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

Cytotoxic medicines, including azathioprine and cyclophosphamide, are often used in cancer treatment and may be used to treat vasculitis. Cytotoxic medicines work by killing the cells that cause inflammation.



If damage to blood vessels or an organ is severe, surgery may be recommended. Surgery can be used to remove blood vessel blockages, repair damage or redirect blood flow. Surgery may also be needed to repair organs that have been damaged because of reduced blood flow. In rare cases, organ transplant may be a part of treatment.


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