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Atrovent® (ipatropium) is a quick-relief medication. Atrovent® opens the airway by blocking reflexes through nerves that control the smooth muscle around the airways. It is slower-acting than the short-acting beta-agonists and can take 15-20 minutes to show a significant effect. Atrovent® may be useful following an inhaled beta-agonist to achieve a longer-lasting effect, especially during an acute attack. Atrovent® is available in two inhaled forms: as a metered-dose inhaler, and in a form suitable for use with a nebulizer.

Albuterol and ipatropium can be combined in one medicine.  Combivent® is a combination inhaled medicine.  DuoNeb® is a combination solution for the nebulizer.  

This information has been approved by Ronina Covar, MD and Ann Mullen, RN, MSN, CNS, AE-C (December, 2012).