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How to Participate in a National Jewish Health Journal Club Twitter Chat

National Jewish Health (@NJHealthMedEd) hosts monthly Journal Club Twitter chats for health care providers to discuss the latest research in respiratory diseases while earning CME. Please follow the instructions below for joining and participating in a live Journal Club Twitter Chat. 

  1. Select the Journal Club 

  2.  Add the Twitter chat session to your calendar

    • Note the day and time of the live Twitter chat session for the journal club you are interested in and click the "Add to Calendar" button to be reminded the day of the chat session.

  3. Log on to Twitter

    • Log into your Twitter account 5 to10 minutes before the start of the Twitter chat to ensure you have enough time to navigate to the chat stream before it starts.

    • You will need to have a Twitter account to participate in the live Twitter Chats. If you need assistance creating a Twitter account, please visit the Twitter Help Center: Tweets > Signing up with Twitter.

  4. Navigate to the Twitter chat session 

    • Once you are logged in at, enter the specific journal club hashtag (see #1) in the search bar and click on the “Latest” tab. This is where you will be able to follow along and participate during the Twitter chat.

    • You may need to refresh frequently throughout the chat session.

  5. Join the chat

    • @NJHealthMedEd will post a Welcome Tweet with session-specific information to get the chat started and will Tweet questions throughout to facilitate the discussion. Each Twitter chat will be moderated by expert NJH faculty who will be leading the discussion via their own Twitter handle (account).  

    • When you are ready to join the conversation, you can reply directly to the question tweet. Be sure to reference which question you are answering in your tweet (i.e. when we post “Q1…” you will start your tweet with “A1…” and so on). 

    • IMPORTANT: You must include the specific journal club hashtag (see #1) in EVERY tweet; otherwise no one will see your tweet.

    • If you have questions about how to tweet, please visit the Twitter Help Center: Tweets > How to Tweet.

    • If you have questions about how to reply to a tweet, please visit the Twitter Help Center: Tweets > About replies and mentions.

  6. Claim your CME Credit 

    • At the end of the 30-minute Twitter chat, @NJHealthMedEd will thank everyone for participating and post CME credit claiming instructions. 

Please Note: The Twitter Help Center provides guides and additional support to help you navigate Twitter.

For additional questions, contact