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Department of Nursing

BLS (CPR) Skills Check Off Class Schedule

The schedule below lists Basic Life Support (BLS) Skills Check Off sessions that will be offered at National Jewish Health by the Department of Nursing. We have limited registration for each class and they are filled on a first ask basis. Preference will be offered to employees with jobs that require current BLS certification.

  • All class instructors are certified through the American Heart Association (AHA), and all classes follow AHA guidelines.

  • You must review the current Basic Life Support for Providers manual prior to class. Books are available for loan from the Department of Nursing office.

  • Skills testing is performed on the floor. If you have concerns or questions regarding this requirement, please call Ext. 1879 prior to class time.

  • You must take the AHA Heartcode BLS module online, and then sign up to come to a check-off session. The course will be assigned to you through Net Learning at no cost to you. You will need to schedule time for your Skills Check Off once you have completed the online course.

  • To request access to the online Heartcode module, to register for a BLS skills check-off, or if you have questions, please contact Deb Fending at or call x1879.

2020 Class Schedules

July - December