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Library & Knowledge Services subscribes to other point-of-care tools

FAST FIND links on the Library Website

A collection of clinical drug, disease, toxicology and laboratory databases and clinical decision support tools.

Cover-to-cover surveillance of 'highest-yield' sources, w special focus on SRs and RCTs; comprehensive MEDLINE searches (across all journals) on select subjects and practice guidelines. 3,200 topics. Daily monitoring of 500 medical journals daily.

FirstConsult (ClinicalKey)
Content from journals and textbooks. Cochrane Collaboration is the main source of evidence, w individual reports of trials from MEDLINE and EMBASE when aggregate data is unavailable. Guidelines form NGC. Reports from AHRQ and other professional orgs and gov sites.

Nursing Reference Center
Point-of-care resource for nursing staff and administrators that delivers the best available and most recent clinical evidence.

EBM Reviews (Ovid) - no password needed for on-campus use.
Full text of the regularly updated systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare prepared by The Cochrane Collaboration.