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Charitable Gift Annuity


Boost your income and support your favorite cause, while unlocking greater returns over a CD or Money Market account!

Donate cash or appreciated assets (stock, real estate) to support pioneering medical research and treatment at National Jewish Health. In exchange, we make fixed, mostly tax-free payments back to you for the rest of your life.


  • Fund up to $50,000 from your IRA
  • Guaranteed fixed payments to you and/or a loved one for life
  • No fees
  • A tax deduction upfront
  • Capital gains tax savings
  • Helping those in need of life-saving treatment and research at National Jewish Health
  • Eliminate market volatility

To learn more about a life income gift, contact Gordon Smith:

1.800.423.8891 ext.6549 or or visit
Please fill out the form below to be contacted by Gordon Smith directly: